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ERN Applauds House Passage of Electoral Count Act Reform & Urges Senate Action
September 22, 2022

ERN Applauds House Passage of Electoral Count Act Reform & Urges Senate Action

Election Reformers Network (ERN) cheered the passage in the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday of a bipartisan bill to prevent subversion of the results of a presidential election, and urged the U.S. Senate to pass their version promptly. The Presidential Election Reform Act would fix dangerous flaws and vague language in the 1887 law...

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Election Dispute Resolution
Electoral College Reform
Impartial Election Administration
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September 28: The Big Lie's Long Tail: Election Denialism in the Midterms and Beyond [Webinar]
September 19, 2022

September 28: The Big Lie's Long Tail: Election Denialism in the Midterms and Beyond [Webinar]

The Big Lie, the denial that the 2020 election outcome was legitimate, continues to have ongoing, harmful effects on American democracy. Election-related misinformation has spread like wildfire online, helping to fuel the passage of new state laws that restrict...

Events and Webinars
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Party control over election certification poses risks to the future of elections
September 16, 2022

Party control over election certification poses risks to the future of elections

Originally published on The Fulcrum. "Partisan machinations have increasingly shaken the faith in the integrity of the election process. Election deniers were just the start, but things have escalated to the point where some election administrators  loyal to their party  have refused to certify election results for political reasons...

ERN in the News
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Declaring Who Wins Elections Is Not A Job For Partisans
September 6, 2022

Declaring Who Wins Elections Is Not A Job For Partisans

This post by By Kevin Johnson originally appeared on TalkingPointsMemo. If the stars align, Congress could soon pass a much-needed overhaul of the Electoral Count Act (ECA), the 19th-century law governing presidential electoral-vote counting, whose ambiguities helped spawn chaos on January 6th. In pushing to reform the ECA, a bipartisan group of senators is acknowledging a dangerous...

ERN Op-Eds
Election Dispute Resolution
Impartial Election Administration
International Insights
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AP: Abortion vote returns spotlight to obscure Michigan board
August 31, 2022

AP: Abortion vote returns spotlight to obscure Michigan board

Originally published on the AP News website. [F]ederal courts have gained more legal authority to examine evidence and question witnesses, and to address claims related to state-level elections, said Kevin Johnson, executive director of the Election Reformers Network. The nonpartisan group advocates for ranked choice voting and independent redistricting among other election reforms. Mutual policing...

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Democracy Journal: Democracy's Frontline Domestic Defenders
August 18, 2022

Democracy Journal: Democracy's Frontline Domestic Defenders

Originally published on the Democracy Journal website by Spenser Mestel. Of the 137 elected secretaries of state serving since 2000, one-third have endorsed a candidate running in a race under their supervision. Twelve have served as co-chair (or equivalent) of a presidential election campaign, according to Election Reformers Network, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization working to

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Election Reformers Network Mourns the Passing of our Friend and Board Member Lindsay Lloyd
August 10, 2022

Election Reformers Network Mourns the Passing of our Friend and Board Member Lindsay Lloyd

Election Reformers Network joins with democracy activists domestically and abroad in mourning the death of W. Lindsay Lloyd, a lifelong advocate for democracy and freedom.

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The only major democracy in the world…
August 3, 2022

The only major democracy in the world…

This op-ed originally ran on The Fulcrum. This has been a summer of gut punches to the body politic. A Supreme Court bloc cobbled together by minority-backed presidents and a norm-abusing Senate has trampled precedent and lurched to extremes on the most divisive issues of our time. A presidential election that should have been laid...

Impartial Election Administration
International Insights
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US election deniers promoting democracy abroad defies reason
July 16, 2022

US election deniers promoting democracy abroad defies reason

This op-ed by ERN Board Members Larry Garber and Edward McMahon originally appeared on The Hill. The power of the more than 200-year-old American model of democracy has encouraged people across the globe to fight for their rights and freedoms, often in the face of brutal authoritarians. We have personally seen the impact of U.S.

ERN Op-Eds
International Insights
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The Economist: Trump truthers are vying to run Americas local elections
June 28, 2022

The Economist: Trump truthers are vying to run Americas local elections

Originally published on The Economist website. A mostly bureaucratic endeavour is becoming a partisan battleground. Otero County, in New Mexico, is home to fewer than 70,000 people. Yet the rural municipality found unfortunate fame recently when local officials refused to certify the results of their primary elections, held on June 7th. New Mexico's secretary of state...

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