AP: Vocabulary of voting - A glossary guide to the 2022 midterms

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November 5, 2022

This guide, which cites original ERN research on election certification, was published in multiple outlets across the United States by the Associated Press.


After votes are cast, officials check lists of voters against the number of ballots cast and research any discrepancies, which often are due to clerical errors or mistakes.


Votes also have to go through the certification process at the local and then state levels, either involving a board composed of statewide officials such as the secretary of state and governor, or solely the secretary of state. Hawaii is the only state where certification is overseen by a nonpartisan chief election official appointed by a bipartisan commission. In 45 states, the local boards that handle election certification are either party-controlled or commissions where the members are elected on a partisan basis, according to research by the advocacy group Election Reformers Network."

Read more about canvassing and certification HERE.


Photo by Ernie Journeys on Unsplash