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Michigan's partisan gerrymander is gone. Next: partisan canvassing boards
June 28, 2022

Michigan's partisan gerrymander is gone. Next: partisan canvassing boards

This op-ed by ERN Executive Director Kevin Johnson and The People's Katie Fahey originally appeared in Bridge Michigan. In 2018, Michiganders of all sides won one of the greatest battles for basic fairness in the states history. Michigan slayed the dragon of partisan gerrymandering, taking election district drawing out of the self-dealing hands of legislators...

ERN Op-Eds
Election Dispute Resolution
Redistricting Reform
Impartial Election Administration
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Politicians certifying election results is risky and unnecessary
June 21, 2022

Politicians certifying election results is risky and unnecessary

This post by By Kevin Johnson originally appeared on The Fulcrum. In recent months, we've gotten a crash course in the ways that our election systems are now dangerously vulnerable to partisan interference and disorder. Numerous candidates for secretary of state deny the results of the 2020 election, including several who are, or likely will...

ERN Op-Eds
Election Dispute Resolution
Impartial Election Administration
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June 16 - Network for Responsible Public Policy: Americas Vulnerable Elections [Webinar]
June 3, 2022

June 16 - Network for Responsible Public Policy: Americas Vulnerable Elections [Webinar]

In this session, we will take a look at the challenges facing our elections, particularly at the structures the country has used for many generations that in an era of hyperpartisanship have become sources of national vulnerability. To...

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Expecting Impartiality From Election Officials
June 1, 2022

Expecting Impartiality From Election Officials

"Americans deserve election officials who, in all aspects of the job, act as unbiased public servants, not partisans, who simply serve the voting public." -- Op-Ed by ERN team members Heather Balas and Amber McReynolds for TalkingPointsMemo.

ERN Op-Eds
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Insider: Trump's 2020 grievance tour fell flat in Georgia, but his lies about the election are animating GOP races around the country
May 25, 2022

Insider: Trump's 2020 grievance tour fell flat in Georgia, but his lies about the election are animating GOP races around the country

Originally published in Business Insider, by Grace Panetta. Former President Donald Trump took his train of grievances down to Georgia, but the voters wanted no part in it. Trump tried to exact revenge on incumbent Gov. Brian Kemp for certifying President Joe Biden's election victory by endorsing his challenger, former Sen. David Perdue, who said he wouldn't have certified the 2020 election...

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University of Michigan Panel - Rebuilding Trust in American Civic Institutions
May 2, 2022

University of Michigan Panel - Rebuilding Trust in American Civic Institutions

As we head into the fall mid-term elections, experts warn that low trust in American civic institutions is dangerous for representative democracy, civic freedom and the rule of law as well as the environment for business....

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The Dispatch: Ohio's Map-Making Merry-Go-Round
April 25, 2022

The Dispatch: Ohio's Map-Making Merry-Go-Round

Originally published on The Dispatch, by Harvest Prude. Mansfield, Ohio: A crowd of around 200 mingled in a spacious ballroom for Richland County Republican Party's Lincoln Day Dinner earlier this month. Guests sporting red dresses or red ties chatted about the contentious GOP Senate primary in the state and local party politics at tables draped in...

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Voting Booth: New efforts seek to build trust in elections, in the face of a still-thriving 2020 election denier community
April 11, 2022

Voting Booth: New efforts seek to build trust in elections, in the face of a still-thriving 2020 election denier community

Originally published by Voting Booth, a project of the Independent Media Institute. By Steven Rosenfeld. As 2022's primaries approach, an unprecedented wave of public and private efforts are underway to foster trust in election operations and election officials in response to ongoing claims by Donald Trump and his supporters, including many officeholders and candidates, that...

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The 19th News: What happens if officials who run elections think they're rigged?
April 6, 2022

The 19th News: What happens if officials who run elections think they're rigged?

Tina Peters says she was just looking into potential election fraud. Prosecutors say the county election official in western Colorado was involved in an illegal election security breach. Even as she faces criminal charges, Peters is continuing to spread falsehoods about the integrity of the 2020 election, which experts have said was the most secure in U.S. history...

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ERN Joins the Bridge Alliance
April 1, 2022

ERN Joins the Bridge Alliance

ERN is proud to announce that we have joined the Bridge Alliance, a coalition of ~100 organizations working together to promote healthy self-governance in our democratic republic. This group of allies works across and outside of established ideological boundaries to support the democracy ecosystem. This move reaffirms a key tenet of ERN's theory of systemic...

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