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Back to Normal Isn't Good Enough for US Democracy after the 2022 Midterms
December 14, 2022

Back to Normal Isn't Good Enough for US Democracy after the 2022 Midterms

The midterm elections have raised hopes that democracy-distortion fever is breaking at last. Prominent swing state candidates who ran on election lies lost because of it. Local officials trying to block results they didn't like were easily brought to heel. Warnings from pundits about an underground right-wing takeover of local election infrastructure proved wildly exaggerated. In short, a...

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ERN Calls for the Supreme Court to Protect Election Innovation and Reject the Independent State Legislature Theory
December 7, 2022

ERN Calls for the Supreme Court to Protect Election Innovation and Reject the Independent State Legislature Theory

Statement from ERN Executive Director Kevin Johnson: Today, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Moore v. Harper. This case is about the Independent State Legislature (ISL) theory and whether state legislatures are subject to checks and balances when they pass state laws governing federal elections. The Court's decision has the potential to put more power...

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ERN in the News: From Brooks to Bangor
November 17, 2022

ERN in the News: From Brooks to Bangor

ERN in the Post-Election News Summary: David Brooks cites our work on election deniers running for secretary of state on PBS NewsHour. ERN opinion piece on the message from voters published in Talking Points Memo. Our call for secretaries of state running for office to recuse gets results in Washington. The Bangor Daily News editorializes in support of our position on...

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Bangor Daily News Editorial Board: Secretaries of state should not be in charge of their own elections
November 15, 2022

Bangor Daily News Editorial Board: Secretaries of state should not be in charge of their own elections

Originally published in The Bangor Daily News. According to the nonprofit Election Reformers Network, 15 secretaries of state, both Democrats and Republicans, were on the ballot last Tuesday. Most of them were running for reelection to their current posts. The organization called on those officials to recuse themselves from any recount that might occur in...

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Voters Want Impartial Election Administration—And Tuesday’s Results Confirm It
November 14, 2022

Voters Want Impartial Election Administration—And Tuesday’s Results Confirm It

This op-ed by ERN Executive Director Kevin Johnson originally appeared in TPM. With attention focused on the battle for control of Congress, some of the signs went under the radar. But last weeks results offered evidence for an encouraging takeaway: that voters understand the threat posed by our party-driven system of election management in today's hyper-partisan...

ERN Op-Eds
Impartial Election Administration
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The Fulcrum: Which states had the highest turnout in 2022?
November 14, 2022

The Fulcrum: Which states had the highest turnout in 2022?

Originally published in The Fulcrum. Four years ago, when the nation headed to the polls in the middle of Donald Trumps divisive term as president, half of eligible voters cast a ballot. Last week, preliminary data shows overall turnout was down a few percentage points. But some states saw an increase in voter participation. According...

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PBS NewsHour: Brooks and Capehart on midterm results, Trump's role in GOP
November 11, 2022

PBS NewsHour: Brooks and Capehart on midterm results, Trump's role in GOP

On Friday, November 11th, New York Times columnist David Brooks joined Judy Woodruff on PBS NewsHour to discuss the outcome of the 2022 midterm elections.

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Midterm Election Takeaway: Many defeats for the 'Big Lie,' but the 'Big Flaw' remains
November 9, 2022

Midterm Election Takeaway: Many defeats for the 'Big Lie,' but the 'Big Flaw' remains

For those of us working to reduce partisanship in election administration and protect fair elections, last night brought a lot of good news, along with some bad, with more to understand in the days and weeks ahead. Here's one way to sum it up: The "Big Lie" lost a lot of ground, but the "Big...

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AP: Vocabulary of voting - A glossary guide to the 2022 midterms
November 5, 2022

AP: Vocabulary of voting - A glossary guide to the 2022 midterms

Originally published in multiple outlets by the Associated Press. After votes are cast, officials check lists of voters against the number of ballots cast and research any discrepancies, which often are due to clerical errors or mistakes. Votes also have to go through the certification process at the local and then state levels...

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What Happens if an Election is Close and Contested? An FAQ for Voters and Journalists
November 4, 2022

What Happens if an Election is Close and Contested? An FAQ for Voters and Journalists

With partisan tensions running high and trust in elections low, it's crucial that voters and journalists are aware of the procedures that election administrators and the courts have in place to fairly resolve disputes. Understanding these steps can help ensure that results are broadly accepted as legitimate, even when...

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