The 26th Amendment: How it was won, and what it means for our time

June 30, 2020
Kevin Johnson

Description: Election Reformers Network's Kevin Johnson leads Project 18 Vote's Patricia Keefer, Jay Berman, fmr. Chief of Staff for Senator Birch Bayh, American Promise co-founder Jeff Clements, and CEO of Bridge USA, Manu Meel in a discussion about the history of the 18-year-old vote and what we can learn from the 26th Amendment, which was passed in record time with bipartisan support.

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Our panelists are each part of important, election-related causes. Here’s how to get involved:

Patricia Keefer, co-chair of the 26th Amendment campaign and ERN Advisor, is in the process of producing a documentary on the history of the youth vote. Find out more at:

Jeff Clements, President of American Promise, has provided a link to join his organization’s campaign finance reform efforts. Click here to get involved.

Manu Meel, CEO of BridgeUSA, continues to engage young people across the country in the democratic process. More information on how to participate can be found at:

Jason Berman, former chief of staff to Senator Birch Bayh, advocates for another constitutional change long in the making: the Equal Rights Amendment.