ERN Joins the Bridge Alliance

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April 1, 2022
Al Vanderklipp

ERN is proud to announce that we have joined the Bridge Alliance, a coalition of ~100 organizations working together to promote healthy self-governance in our democratic republic. This group of allies works across and outside of established ideological boundaries to support the democracy ecosystem.

This move reaffirms a key tenet of ERN’s theory of systemic change: that lasting and trusted reforms to our democracy are best designed with the input and buy-in of stakeholders across the ideological spectrum. The list of member organizations includes many with the goal of uniting a divided country through recognition of common ideals.

Members of the Bridge Alliance adhere to the five key principles, which ERN is pleased to endorse:

(1) Embracing Our Differences: We recognize that the richness of the American identity is due to our ability to accept our differences and embrace our cultural, ethnic, racial, and political diversity with dignity.

(2) Collaboration: Our country is stronger when we work together constructively to meet the challenges we face.

(3) Citizen Voice: Our country is well represented when informed citizens are active in the political and social processes.

(4) Solutions: Genuine, good faith problem-solving will lead to the best solutions to address our great challenges.

(5) Open-mindedness: We explore and learn from each other, seeking aligned efforts to raise visibility and effectiveness.

The Bridge Alliance was founded on the idea that reform-oriented Americans can accomplish more together than we can on our own. ERN is grateful for the opportunity to participate in this broad and diverse coalition as we work together to advance democratic ideals and restore trust in our republic and each other.