Wisconsin Examiner: Wisconsin should stop electing justices to the state Supreme Court

February 21, 2023

This article, which cites ERN’s policy brief on a replacement system for judicial elections, was originally published in the Wisconsin Examiner.

“What would it take to actually return to an independent, impartial judiciary?

The nonpartisan Election Reformers Network, a Washington DC-based group that works on election administration, independent redistricting and strengthening democratic institutions around the globe, recently released a policy brief on how state supreme court justices are selected across the country. The brief focuses on Wisconsin, and marshals evidence against judicial elections and in support of an approach called “merit selection” by judicial nominating commissions.

While most news coverage is focused on the horse race aspect of the Wisconsin Supreme Court election and the issues at stake, the brief states, the race should “raise the larger question of whether electing state justices makes sense in the first place, particularly in a state as dangerously polarized as Wisconsin.”

Read More Here.


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